Monday, December 12, 2011

Birthday Smoothies

This morning I was sitting on the floor at a friend's house watching my son run around the room and two things struck me.  First, I am so grateful that I am now physically able to sit on the floor.  For so many years it only took a minute or so before I lost feeling in my legs or had to lean back to take a full breath.  The second thing that struck me, I can't believe I am the mother of a two year old!

Frequently my husband and I are told how great it is that we will be able to share our healthy changes with our son.  I really appreciate the comments but at times it feels like an overwhelming commission.  When it came time to introduce solid foods into my son's diet I wound up doing a lot of soul searching.  I didn't want to do anything that would set him off on the wrong foot with food.  After a few months I relaxed and have been delighted to watch him grow into a toddler who loves to eat a wide variety of foods.  His favorite is fruit.

Saturday morning my son woke up just in time to be wished happy birthday at his time of birth, 7:05 a.m. Shortly after we all piled out of bed to begin a day of birthday activities.  I wanted to make a breakfast that was light and healthy to balance the cupcakes we were planning to eat in the afternoon.  I also wanted to have a breakfast that was quick but still special in honor of the day.

Smoothies are so easy and so many fruits and vegetables can get tossed in to make a vitamin filled treat.  We keep it simple and generally stick to fruits and yogurt but I know many people who add protein powder, leafy greens, and many more ingredients to their smoothies.  I really like to have a smoothie on a day I will have less control over the food available, for instance a day with a party in the middle of the afternoon/evening.  By starting with a breakfast full of fruit I know I have consumed most of my daily servings before the temptations begin.

Early in our relationship I taught my husband a basic method to make smoothies and since then he has been the chief smoothie maker in our house.  I stole a little of his thunder by making them this week but I still let him make the coffee (because I am giving like that!).  Here is how we make them:

Basic Smoothie
1 cup of non-fat plain yogurt
1 banana
1 - 2 cups assorted frozen fruit
add water to thin to desired consistency

This is just a platform to try new flavor combinations.  The frozen fruit helps to make it more thick and creamy but a smoothie can absolutely be made entirely from fresh fruit with some ice tossed in.

With a slice of toast on the side we were all fueled up and ready to go celebrate our newly minted two year old on his day... after a shower.

Healthy Food - Eat it, Wear it, Love it!

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